Producer of the latest library systems and fancy gadgets

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 MDF hinges, metal hangers, modern wardrobes, stylish suitables, standing hangers,

 wall hangings, wall and wood hangings, fancy dressing Tilco Industrial

 Group produces the most specialized products and best quality in the country

کتابخانه تیلکو

The library shelf is designed to archive semi-heavy loads in both steady and sliding ways. A fixed library shelf is used if necessary from a file, book, and other necessities without the need to move the chests. In the slider type, the number of movable shelves at the front of the rack is fixed to one number less than the fixed rack attached to it, which allows the forward rails to move.

کمد کتابخانه ای

کمد کتابخانه ای


Fixed and sliding shelving system
File access and file replacement
High strength
beautiful design
Color variation of the shelves in the
 form of electrostatic leather powder

Design and construction as per customer's order
Can be used in the narrow space of
corridors and wall fractures

Suitable office / office environments

کمد آزمایشگاهی

کد محصولHWLDescription
1809034 Laboratory closet
1809034 Archival Wardrobe
1959034 Library cabinet

کمد آزمایشگاهی

Library Types:

34*90*185Chaharshestan Library
All-and-a-half glass framed library